I believe you are going to buy a dual core processor. The main competition exists between Intel Core2 Duo and AMD Athlon X2. Intel Dual Core (not Core2 Duo) is crap and you should not go for it. Until recently, Intel was unable to compete with AMD. But with the advent of Core2 Duo Processors Intel is giving good fight to the increasing market of AMD.
You can buy processors starting from Rs.3000/- to Rs.20000/-. Now it all comes up to the investment you are going to make. If you can afford to buy best motherboard and the best processor, you would be spending a huge sum of money on something that you won’t really need at this point of time.
So find out what motherboards are available in the market (company +model name) and processor options you have. I would personally suggest you to think of Intel ... when you plan a budget, forget Intel and buy AMD. You will generally get a better deal buying a higher AMD processor in the price of Intel.
However saying that go for Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 (3.0GHz) or above if you can afford it. BUT do remember you should search for a good motherboard too. Also you need a RAM running at higher FSB. Just adding huge quantity of RAM won’t give you best performance.
You can post what items are available in your area and I WD advice which should be the best buy.
Good Luck
- JMD Computer
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