Funny Desktops: Comical Wallpaper for Your Desktop

If you've been eager to find the right funny desktop wallpaper with which to decorate your computer desktop, then you will have no trouble finding plenty of downloads for these hilarious items. All it takes is a quick search with a search engine, and, presto, all kinds of joke desktops, cartoon character icons, and funny clipart appear before your very eyes, ready to download and decorate with.

Two sites that have cartoon and funny desktop wallpaper available are listed below:

  • At Wall Paper Dudes,, you can download funny cartoon wallpaper, as well as funny free wallpaper tiles from the site. The only thing that Wall Paper Dude asks for their free humorous wallpaper downloads is that you do not share your wallpaper with other computer owners and keep it strictly to your own personal computer.
  • In order for you to get rid of your present boring wallpaper and download for free joke wallpaper at Joke Wallpaper online is to access their website address at their official site at, and you are ready to embark on a much funnier and enjoyable world.
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